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Community Update Q4 2023

Over the last 6 months, it’s been a whirlwind of progress at Contnt. We’ve welcomed more talented developers and designers to our crew - each adding their unique expertise to our mix - and even became fully incorporated as a company in Dubai!

Stuart Meczes

Hello Contnt Community! Rocco here, excited to give you a sneak peek into the latest stage of our journey!

Over the last 6 months, it’s been a whirlwind of progress at Contnt. We’ve welcomed more talented developers and designers to our crew - each adding their unique expertise to our mix - and even became fully incorporated as a company in Dubai!

Platform-wise we’ve been meticulous in getting everything ready, building-out features, improving design and functionality, and fixing bugs to ensure a seamless experience for you all. From tackling minor tech issues to exploring cutting-edge ideas like AI integration and a potential DAO moderation structure (that would allow users to vote on key decisions), we’ve been leaving no stone unturned.

Our commitment to quality led us to a significant website framework upgrade, which has fully enhanced the platform - especially the streaming and chat features. We’re also keeping our eyes peeled for the most optimal chain to deploy on, when the time finally comes. Excitingly, we’ve made substantial strides on the streaming feature – which is basically complete and was even tested in the most awesome way! (More on that in our latest Events post, coming soon!) Our internal roadmap is strong, the hub is ready, and we’ve got some promising discussions around new marketing partnerships, as well as funding for R&D underway.

As we squash the last few bugs and refine the design and flow, we’re sprinting ever-closer to the public beta release stage! The anticipation is building, and I cannot wait for you to see what we’ve been crafting behind the scenes!

The future is bright, and together, we’re going to make Contnt a platform like no other. Stay tuned for more updates, and here’s to the exciting journey ahead! 


Founder and CEO